Wit, Maya de, Onno Crasborn, and Jemina Napier. 2024. “International Sign conference interpreters as a Community of Practice.” Meta. Vol. 69(1), pp 198-222.
> Meta: Translators’ Journal

Wit, Maya de. 2024. “Conference signed language interpreting services at international organizations: Breaking the barriers.” In Towards inclusion and social justice in institutional translation and interpreting: Revealing invisible practices of exclusion, edited by Esther Monzó-Nebot and María Lomeña-Galiano. New York: Routledge.
> Publisher: Routledge

Wit, Maya de. 2023. Practitioners' perspectives on international sign conference interpreting. PhD Dissertation Radboud University.
> PhD dissertation & more info

Wit, Maya de, Onno Crasborn, and Jemina Napier. 2023. “Quality assurance in international sign conference interpreting at international organisations.” The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research. Vol. 15(1), pp. 74-97
> Open access article

Turner, G., Grbić, N., Stone, C., Tester, C., Wit, M. de (2021). Sign language conference interpreting. In: Albl-Mikasa, M. & Tiselius. E. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Conference Interpreting. London & New York: Routledge.
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Wit, Maya de, Onno Crasborn, and Jemina Napier. 2021. Preparation strategies for sign language conference interpreting: comparing international sign with a national sign language. In K.G. Seeber (Ed.) 100 Years of Conference Interpreting: A legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
> Order at Cambridge Scholars
> Abstract in English and summary in International Sign

Wit, Maya de, Onno Crasborn, and Jemina Napier. 2021. “Interpreting International Sign: Mapping the Interpreter’s Profile.” The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 15(1)
(Special issue on Languages of low diffusion and low resources: translation research and training challenges)
> Open access article
> Summary in International Sign

Wit, M. de (2020). A Comprehensive Guide to Sign Language Interpreting in Europe, 2020 edition. Self-published. Printed by Create Space, Baarn, M. de Wit
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Wit, M. de, Perez S. & Richard Peterson P. (2020). Sign language interpreting on TV and media: sharing best practices. A report of the first European seminar. Self published on www.mayadewit.nl. 30 November 2020.
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Wit, M. de (2020). Researching International Sign interpreting as a practitioner. EST Newsletter, November 2020 (57), pp.12-13.
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Wit, M. de (2020). Making It Work: Applying AIIC Professional Standards to Conference Signed Language Interpreters. International Journal of Interpreter Education 12(1).
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Wit, M. de (2019). Sign language interpreter in inclusive education: best practices around Europe. In the DODIR conference proceedings 2019, Third international scientific and expert conference ‘The Results of an (un)supportive environment’.
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Wit, M. de (2017). Sign language interpreter use in inclusive education. In: Reuter, K. (Ed.). UNCRPD Implementation in Europe - A Deaf Perspective. Article: 24. EUD: Brussels, pp. 112-129
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Wit, M. de & Sluis, I. (2017). International Sign interpreter preparations for high-level European assignments. In I. Heyerick & S. Ehrlich (Eds). WASLI 2015 conference proceedings, pp. 95-108.
> Order: WASLI

Wit, M. de & Tiselius, E. (2017). AIIC: What does it stand for, and what can it do for you? In I. Heyerick & S. Ehrlich (Eds). WASLI 2015 conference proceedings, pp. 109-116.
> Order: WASLI

Wit, M. de (2016). Sign Language Interpreting in Europe, 2016 edition. Self-published. Printed by Create Space, Baarn, M. de Wit

Wit, M. de (2016). Register & kwalificatiesystemen voor tolken: een internationale vergelijking. In Interpres vakblad over tolken gebarentaal (in English, Interpres Journal for Sign Language Interpreters) 2016/3
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Wit, M. de & Sluis, I. (2016). International Sign - An Exploration into Interpreter Preparation. In: Rosenstock, R. & Napier, J. (Eds). International Sign: Linguistics, Usage, and Status. Washington: Gallaudet University Press. 105-135

Wit, M. de & Sluis, I. (2014). "Sign language interpreter quality: the perspective of deaf sign language users in the Netherlands", in: The Interpreters' Newsletter, 19 (2014), pp. 63-85.
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Wheatley, M., & de Wit, M. (2014). Joint co-operation: The only way forward. In B. Costello, M. Thumann, & R. Shaw (Eds.), WASLI 2011 Conference Proceedings. pp. 119–128.

Wit, M. de, Schaumberger, E. & Salami, M. (2013). A European Perspective on Mentoring. In: Winston, B. & Lee, R.G. (Eds.). Mentorship in Sign Language Interpreting. Pp. 25-37. Alexandria: RID Press.

Sluis, I. & de Wit, M. (2013). Samenwerking, de sleutel tot succes! Kwaliteit van tolken gebarentaal: het perspectief van dove tolkgebruikers in Nederland. Enschede, Gildeprint drukkerijen.
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Wit, M. de (2012). Sign Language Interpreting in Europe, 2012 edition, Self-published. Printed by Create Space, Baarn, M. de Wit

Wit, M. de, Salami, M., & Hema, Z. (2012). Educating sign language interpreters in healthcare settings: A European perspective. In L. Swabey & K. Malcolm (Eds.), In our hands: Educating health care interpreters (pp. 229–259). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Wit, M. de & Salami, M. (2012). Sign Language Interpreting in Legal Settings: New Scenarios within the European Legal Framework and the efsli Experience. in: Baur e.a. (Hrsg.) "Übersetzen in die Zukunft - Dolmetscher und Übersetzer". pp. 490-496.

Wit, M. de (2012). Hoger onderwijs met tolk, meer kans op een baan, in: Woord & Gebaar, 2012. editie 2

Wit, M. de (2011). A Sign Language Interpreter in Inclusive Education: The View of Deaf Persons on their Quality of Life, MA Thesis, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt University.
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Wit, M. de. (2010b). Sign language interpreting in multilingual international settings. In R. Locker McKee and J. Davis (Eds.), Interpreting in multilingual, multicultural contexts (pp. 226–242). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Wit, M. de (2010a). Linguistic coping strategies from international sign to English (Unpublished MSc research report, EUMASLI). Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
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Wit, M. de (2008). Ghelly Vassilievich Chernov, Robin Setton and Adelina Hild (eds). Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting, Book review, The Sign Language Translator and Interpreter, 2 (1), 81-84

Wit, M. de (2008). Het beroep tolk gebarentaal, (in English, The sign language interpreter profession) Enschede, Gildeprint Drukkerijen.

Wit, M. de (2008). Money matters. In C. Roy (Ed), Diversity and Community in the Worldwide Sign Language Interpreting Profession (pp. 68-74), WASLI conference Proceedings 2007. 

Sluis, I. & De Wit, M. (2007). Getting the most out of it: Developing the individual and the team. In Innovative Practices in Team Interpreting: 14th efsli AGM & Conference (pp 12-14). Prague, Czech Republic: European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters.
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Crasborn, O. & Wit, M. de (2005) Ethical implications of language standardisation for sign language interpreters. In: J. Mole (ed.) International perspectives on interpreting. Selected proceedings from the Supporting Deaf People online conferences 2001-2005. pp. 112-119.
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