You can add sign language interpreting services to your event! I offer interpreting services in a combination of the following languages:
International Sign (IS), Dutch Sign Language* (NGT), American Sign Language (ASL)
English, Dutch, and German
My expertise and specialties include multilingual international conferences & events, academic and higher education, linguistics, and information technology.
Read here more details about my background.
Interpretation into other sign languages?
Do you need interpretation in other sign and spoken languages? Or need a team of interpreters? I provide consultation and coordination of multiple language teams of qualified and internationally experienced interpreters. Contact me >
“We had the pleasure to collaborate with Maya de Wit on the 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication in Spring 2020. Due to the Corona pandemic, this conference transitioned from an in-person to a virtual event within a very short period of time. Making the event as accessible to people with hearing and/or visual disabilities as possible was imperative to us. Even before contacting Maya, it was very clear to us that she is internationally acknowledged as one of the leading professionals in her field. Maya’s consulting services were absolutely crucial in our pre-event planning. She believed in our event from day one, shared contagious enthusiasm and became a true asset to our organising team. Most importantly, all decisions taken under her guidance (i.e. virtual event management tool, live captioning specialists, sign language provision, among others) proved totally successful. Furthermore, Maya’s sign language interpretation and video editing services were timely, transparent and, ultimately, spot on. We definitely owe our event’s success to Maya’s collaboration and, therefore, we very much look forward to working with her again in the future.”
Want to know how you can provide sign language interpreting services at conferences? See here >
See also the different guidelines on how to work with sign language interpreters.